martes, 6 de marzo de 2012

Where is cognition if we talk about the teaching of English as an international language?

I share with you @ll the official release of my article:

This current piece of writing –placed, in disciplinary terms, between Psychology of learning and Methodology/Didactics- aims mainly at showing, in the light of present and updated authorized works, the unequivocal relation that is existent between the concept of distributed cognitions and task-based learning. The former was coined by Hutchins (1980’s) and thoroughly developed by Salomon (1993) in his articles, among others. The latter is based on the claims put forward by Prabhu (1987) and Graddol (2006), and outlined in purely Vygotskian conceptions. Here, task-based learning is also analyzed within the framework of collaborative project work when dealing with the process of teaching-learning English as an International Language.

***To get full access to the article:

Thank you, Sonia!


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